Find links below to organizations and communities also supporting contemplative practices and a Wisdom orientation within our worldwide network.
Wisdom Community Network
- Cynthia Bourgeault
- Wisdom Waypoints
- Wisdom Way of Knowing
- Contemplative Network (New Zealand)
- Center for Action and Contemplation (with Richard Rohr, including Living School)
- Integral Christian Network
- Episcopal House of Prayer (with Ward Bauman)
- The Shalem Institute
- New Camaldoli Hermitage (Big Sur, CA)
- Snowmass Monastery
- Silence in the City (London, UK)
- Agape Ministries (Archie Cameron, UK)
- The Contemplative Way (with James Finley)
- A Waking Heart (with Matthew Wright)
Centering Prayer
- Contemplative Outreach International
- David Frenette and Heart Intention
- Centering Prayer Meditation Timer app