Tag Archive for: William Segal

The Flowingness of Attention

The Flowingness of Attention – A Wisdom School Report by Cynthia Bourgeault

Two weeks before our long-awaited Calgary Wisdom School last April, Mother Nature surprised us with a challenging gift: two feet of heavy, thick Alberta snow! That wiped out the major portion of the anticipated chore-list for our daily hour of practical work. Forget the raking team, garden beds team, and painting team! But what, pray tell, does one do with the dozen or so people who would have been assigned to these tasks? As any one who’s been to Wisdom School knows, that hour of practical work is perhaps the most distinctive component of the Wisdom School curriculum, and foregoing it was not an option. But what could serve as an option for redeployment? Read more

William Segal – “The Force of Attention”

This piece was used by Cynthia Bourgeault as a core text  at the Calgary Wisdom School, April 2013

The Force of Attention

The role of a conscious human being is to provide the phenomenal earth world with energies which otherwise would not be effectively transmitted to the creations and units which make up our world. Just as right balance and interaction of energies bring unity, Being appears when harmony and equilibrium replace chaotic imbalance. Being is the universe under God’s eye. Read more