POOL OF WISDOM: A Spiritual Autobiography by Mary-Clare Carder

From a fairly young age Mary-Clare Carder has had mystical encounters
with the spiritual world. In her late twenties she developed Sjogren
syndrome – a painful, incurable condition which blunted her career and
made her life very challenging. This challenging life led her to a deeper
spiritual path and an enriched interior life. Along the way she learned
about the wisdom of silence, a form of meditation known as centering
prayer, energy healing, and has after death communications (ADCs).
There are also many wisdom-filled quotes from a host of people who
have inspired her during her life. All these things have been a pool of
wisdom for her.

Mary-Clare intends the book to offer help and support not just to those
who face many challenges in life but to everyone. It is her greatest
hope that by reading this book people will be more present to the
wonders of their own inner life. She invites the reader to plunge in to
this pool of wisdom – it is her joy to share.

For more information, see the announcement at St George’s Cadboro Church.

Her book is available in paperback from the Book Depository, and as an e-book through Amazon.ca and Smashwords.com