This series is a continuation of Margaret Walter’s earlier Introduction to Teilhard de Chardin series, held over four Tuesdays: March 8, 15, 22, and April 5
Cynthia Bourgeault proposed that 2015 be the year of Teilhard, a trend that is continuing into 2016, and is encouraging everyone to explore his ideas that resonate so powerfully at this time when so many thinkers indicate that we are on the cusp of a leap forward in consciousness.
During these four sessions, we will investigate the struggle of Teilhard’s life between the dialectic he framed in his cosmology: ‘adoration or suicide.’ His journey of surrender to Omega was ongoing to the end of his life when he could say that God’s presence was with him all the time. His passionate love of manifest reality caused him to swim against the current of his time which flowed towards otherworldly transcendence, and he insisted, “There is a communion with God, and a communion with the earth, and a communion with God through the earth” (Writings in Time of War). We will look at the intimate relationships Teilhard had with strong women who opened and affirmed his feminine nature. Through all the difficulties of his life he developed an ever stronger trust in Christ who was both the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Cosmic Christ – the fulfilment of all being through the divinization of the Cosmos. What can we learn from Teilhard’s example?
“Let us leave the surface, and, without leaving the world, plunge into God…Let us establish ourselves in the divine milieu.”
This event is offered by Earth Literacies and facilitated by Margaret Walters. Margaret Walters is the author of The Cosmic Pilgrim (2010, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, Oregon), which is a spiritual exploration of the new story of science and religion through journeying with Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, and Brian Swimme. Margaret has worked in teaching, parish ministry, workshop facilitation, and spiritual direction. Currently she is working with the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Victoria.
Time: Four Tuesdays (March 8, 15, 22, and April 8, 2016), 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Cost: $75 or $20 drop in (or by donation – please do not let cost deter you)
For more information and to register, visit Earth Literacies’ website. Enquiries can be directed to Margaret Walters at