CAC The Divine Exchange course

This online course is hosted by the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC)

Course Overview

Cynthia Bourgeault is a long-time student of the Christian contemplative and Wisdom paths and is a core faculty member of the CAC and Living School. Christian Wisdom teachings have existed since the earliest days of Christianity; Cynthia teaches from that ancient perspective in ways that suit today’s world.

Join Cynthia as she leads you on a path of discovery through The Divine Exchange, the spiritual foundation of the Christian Wisdom tradition. Cynthia teaches on the power of exchange: giving and receiving in a framework that embraces everything—information, goods, energy, sustenance, etc. She weaves together familiar gospel teachings and their less familiar counterparts in perennial wisdom to create a single tapestry of dynamic wholeness. 

That dynamism is a dance of abundance epitomized in the Trinity, Cynthia believes. She shows us how the principle of exchange is at the very heart of God as well as at the core of the gospel teaching. She then invites you to carry these teachings forward as part of your life, supported by practices designed to help you take this wisdom into your body.

Note: This course builds on Cynthia’s foundational material and works best as a follow-up to the online Introductory Wisdom School, taken either online or “on the ground.” Taking these courses sequentially is strongly recommended.

Complete details and course registration available here: The Divine Exchange

Registration for this course opens on March 1, 2021 and closes on June 9 or as soon as the course fills, whichever comes first.