Hosted by Aspen Chapel, Cynthia Bourgeault will continue her groundbreaking exploration of the 20th-century scientist and mystic Teilhard de Chardin in a special live webcast with a particular eye to the insights and tools that offer a more skillful and hopeful passage through the social upheavals of our present era. How do we live from the deepest wellsprings of hope, in tune with the evolutionary imperative emerging from the 14-billion-year-old universe story itself? What needs to change in our traditional understanding of the spiritual journey in order to do so? Join the Aspen Chapel community in this two-morning workshop for this searching and timely exploration.


Cost: $30.00 USD per day suggested donation

For more information and to register, visit Aspen Chapel today! Videos will be available for one year, and you do not need to view the livestream to access the videos at a later date. For questions and concerns, please contact them directly at 970-925-7184 or