Advent Contemplative Retreat: Opening to the Light and Love of Christ

Time and Dates: 4 p.m. Friday, November 17 to lunchtime Sunday, November 19, 2023
Cost: $150.00 plus accommodation and meals.
Location: Sorrento Centre, British Columbia

Join us for a weekend of heart-centered contemplative practice, opening to the Light of Christ.  Through guided meditation, embodied and Centering Prayer, labyrinth walking, lectio divina, and chant, we will explore the mystery of Love being birthed into our lives. Meditation & contemplative practices will be gently explored whether you are new or a long-time meditator.

This retreat will give your mind a rest from the chaos and demands of the world. We warmly invite you to gift yourself this quiet time to be fully present to the loving supportive presence of God, without external habits and distractions.





Henri Lock is a former Spiritual Care Provider at the University of Victoria Multifaith Centre and currently serves on the boards of The Contemplative Society and the Victoria Multifaith Society. He is a long-time teacher of Centering Prayer and Mindfulness Meditation in the Christian Wisdom tradition, and a minister with the United Church of Canada.



Leslie Black facilitates Heart Awakening transformational coaching and energy healing with groups and individuals. For over 20 years she was a Healing Pathway instructor and currently she leads group sessions in spiritual growth and energetic self-care, both in-person and on-line. Visit her website at